Friday, November 02, 2007


greetings. just came back to say...

how much it hurts to whack your little toe (or big toe, for that matter) against corners of walls, tables, chairs, sofas and the like.

yes smart alecks, it just happened to me.
i'm not THAT random you see.

and also popped by to remind you on why you shouldn't do your O LEVEL REVISION (for goodness' sake derek!) on the computer.

it's precisely because of the little distractions like this. my incessant posting a result of having been restrained by er, restraining factors... factors of restraint. you get the idea.

okay really now, i've got to go back to social studies, and fast. because unlike most, i still have lit (which is still pretty much untouched) waiting to be touched.

and that just sounds so wrong but i'm going to set things right now by focusing on my revision.

TARTAR. yes i meant it. if it'd delight you i'd just add the sauce at the end.

TARTAR SAUCE. are you happy now? (*at this juncture michelle branch's song plays)

"derderderder" (to the tune of "Are You Happy Now" by Michelle Branch)

it's not that bad a song, but i don't have it on my phone. it's not that good. you can well, check it out on YouTube or something. ok, really gotta run now. seeya.


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