Greetings beings. I'm not feeling very sound now and I suspect it has to do with a looming Math test on the Fifth Day of the Seventh Week of the Second Term of my 13th Schooling Year (i.e this Friday). So well, while my friends at school have been busying themselves with council, CCAs, yodayodayoda, I've been amusing myself for the last 2 hours with Jason Mraz's (Mer-res-zes. Sounds like a disease doesn't it.) "I'm Yours". It's really quite a brilliant song you know, I might actually have liked it if all the other people around me did not. But well, I don't really fancy singing it, because well, it's not easy to sing. I suppose that's why Mr Mraz's the only one making lots of money from such a song, besides the fact that he probably wrote it, composed it and well, sang it. Sorry I'm not making much sense. I haven't got much logic in my head you see, and that's resulted in me kollecting a string of D's in GP and whatnot. But it's alright, because D is for Derek, and D is for DemandTV.
Today the 987FM school invasion tour came to RJC!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooooooooooooo!!!!
I left early for frisbee. I'm sorry all who dig lousy music, but the music didn't quite suit my tastes. So thanks for the incessant pounding of my ear drums, The Firefight and West Grand Boulevard, that left them feeling like a gang-rape victim (I'm sorry for the graphic description, but my ears were totally $%^&*-ed). And yeah, Vernon A and Justin Ang try pretty hard to be cool, but where Bleeker succeeds they well, fail, as they don't come across as particularly cool to me. Yes, they are funny and fat and all, but well, I don't know, I'm just being rather abusive today.
So yeah, did i mention I had frisbee today? The weather was horribly hot and I made like, 10 new friends.
And yeah, to end off this post on a good note:
Today the 987FM school invasion tour came to RJC!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooooooooooooo!!!!
I left early for frisbee. I'm sorry all who dig lousy music, but the music didn't quite suit my tastes. So thanks for the incessant pounding of my ear drums, The Firefight and West Grand Boulevard, that left them feeling like a gang-rape victim (I'm sorry for the graphic description, but my ears were totally $%^&*-ed). And yeah, Vernon A and Justin Ang try pretty hard to be cool, but where Bleeker succeeds they well, fail, as they don't come across as particularly cool to me. Yes, they are funny and fat and all, but well, I don't know, I'm just being rather abusive today.
So yeah, did i mention I had frisbee today? The weather was horribly hot and I made like, 10 new friends.
And yeah, to end off this post on a good note:
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