Does three make a spree?
Hi, I'm back. It's addictive, blogging on cornroll. I enjoy it, I must say that there is certainly a self-indulgent angle to blogging.
I like cornroll, because it is like a friend I talk to. Ah, I've unravelled the mystery of "Dear Journal"! Just that I don't like very much to address cornroll in that way, because if I had my way (and I do), cornroll would be the manliest thing (if that's possible), and would cringe and throw me on my back if I do a "Dear cornroll" or dress him up in a pink template.
Cornroll, you are my best friend! Yes you, and our dear friend Mr Create-a-Post-page.
Shit, I am damnz weirdz siaz. Something wrong. Well, it's late, that's why.
Cornroll: Yes, it's late, that's why. Or maybe not, for you are you when you are with me.
Hmmm, somehow I don't think blogging on cornroll is very healthy for me. I'm beginning to take it a little too seriously. But if I do get paid... what's a little insanity?
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