Saturday, September 29, 2007

food good?

greetings beings. i've been eating a lot these days, because i'm bored.

yes, it's true! whether i'm bored from studying or bored from doing nothing (doing nothing does not mean boredom, and boredom is not doing nothing. boredom CAN stem from doing nothing. just in case you're confused... i think you still are. ), i occupy myself with eating.


whether i'm hungry or not, i look for some stuff to munch on. it's kinda therapeutic. i've been eating all kinds of stuff- katjes yogurt gums and percies, tortillo chips, meiji yogurt, fruits, laughing cow cheese, aloe vera jelly, mushroom balls, croquette, biscuits....


(fyi, shit isn't part of the food list. it's an exclamation of shock upon the realization that i am truly on my way to becoming a glutton.)

so well, it's now 2003hrs on a Saturday evening and i'm kinda full. from snacking. after a lunch of porridge, i had hot chocolate, about a dozen tortillo chips, chocolate and yogurt gums. oh yeah, and i had a swim- now, now, this isn't open for discussion, if that's what you're thinking edwin teng.

hmm a dinner of baked rice with salmon awaits me, but i'm kinda filled up. shall do some additional math practice (that's additional math practice, not additional math practice), then there's wigan liverpool at 2155hrs. woohoo. liverpool BETTER win, or i'm gonna boycott the o levels.

neh, just kidding. i'm obviously not THAT obsessed. but still pretty much so. spread the love.


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