Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Well, I think more people read my blog than I think, so I'd better not divulge too much private stuff here. Not that I do anyway though, and even if I do I try to make it really indirect so that by the end of the post I'd not know what I was talking about in the first place haha. So yeah, there is was a sense of semi-liberation in me after the end of the GP Common Test, now I'm attempting to do my Othello essay. And yes, I realise I'm talking a lot about work on my blog these days. I'd like to say that I'm being overwhelmed by work and that all I think of is work, and this translates to me blogging about work, but I don't think it's really the case because I'm not. And I'm sorry Jia Yun as well as people who find that me posting things like the completion of certain assignments rather unsettling... er I do acknowledge that it is rather insensitive (eck). Just that the sense of relief overwhelmed me upon completion of the task, sorry x1000! I'll try not to do it again.

And sigh, I wish I'd have the chance to know people better. No, don't misunderstand me, I'm not wanting to be friends with some hot chick. I'm referring to people whom I hi-bye nowadays, even my classmates. It's not easy to prove yourself as being worth making friends with, especially when people are comfortable with their own friends and have little reason to want to be friends with you. So yeah, tough, esp. for me since I don't come across as a particularly cool/interesting/chatty person. College is rather different from secondary school I must say.

No, I'm not EMO LA!!! I'm not happy, I'm not sad, I'm just growing fat.


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