On #584, On love, On tv at 11pm to catch Pool.
I'm on post number five hundred and eighty four, this post is on love, and I'm turning on the telly at 11pm later on to catch Liverpool send Fulham packing at Anfield.
Right now, my insides are churning courtesy of 2 small bowls of curry wolfed down at Bethesda Hall. Curry + Bread, a lethal combination alright, can't resist no I can't. If you think I am typing weird, well I am and it is because I haven't done a post in ages and I'm taking time to get used to doing my thang again.
Great, now the wailing baby within hearing distance has stopped, I can start my post proper.
It is now 9.38pm, and I am tired. Would have joined the YP people for the weekly Saturday dinner, but was really quite shagged and made an early and uncharacteristic exit. I'm usually pretty enthusiastic about outings and being together with people you see, because I like being with people, even if I'm quiet and seemingly uninvolved.
Okay, I have to ensure this post doesn't veer into me rambling into me explaining what kind of person I am again, I guess I've mentioned enough on that in earlier posts.
Haha just checked back a sentence and read the above sentence. You see, I'm really quite tired and might not be too precise grammatically in this post. Not that I usually am though. It scares me, the thought of not being able to express myself one day. Just random.
Oh, by the way I need a new pair of spectacles for I have a missing rubber pad. It still is wearable but it is slanted when I wear it.
And on love, I have nothing to say about it. Haha, for I am not of adequate maturity just yet.
It is 9.47pm now.
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