Monday, December 15, 2008

Took a Turn in Turkey

It is most queer. Today is the fifth/sixth day of my Turkey trip and I am most puzzled that I have conducted myself the way I have for most of the trip. As with most days,I discover more about myself each day, and I have figured myself out a wee bit more these few days. 

Turkey hasn't quite been as exciting or fun as I had originally thought, but her people are as unfriendly and dangerous-looking as I had imagined, and the places as barren and undeveloped as I had envisioned. It is fortunate the days have past as fast as they have. 

Yet it is not all doom and gloom, although I am indeed disappointed with the behaviour I have exhibited for I have been as much of a teenager in the past few days than I have ever been, and this scares me. I'd always delighted (albeit meekly and secretly... not so now perhaps) in the fact that I was atypical of the stereotypical teenager - didn't quite subscribe to the trends and cared nary s hoot about most things that mattered to teenagers. Was strangely blissful throughout my secondary school years and sought not the need to be given breathing space and to emo. Because circumstances were such that the teenager in me wasn't reeled out. 

In the past few days however, loneliness and utter boredom have brought out the teenager in me! It is most strange that there is not a single other teenager in my group of thirty four. There's a sec 1 girl, but she doesn't quite count and she's not the sort I'd have lots to talk to about anyway. So I have pretty much been enclosed within my teenage bubble the last few days, and it has been good in some ways, but mostly not good. 

(And oh yes, I've been wearing a cap through the trip which is quite poseur and teenagerish, but it's really to conceal my bad hair which on days seem cool from the front but quite a disaster from the sides/back.)

It is most unlike me to seclude myself and retreat to a corner listening to music, but it is what I did today for I was really bored to tears listening to yet another Turkish salesperson pitch his product. 

- written on a coach steaming through vast fields/barren hills/snow-covered ground on winding roads, which sorta accounts for the weird writing manner. 


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