Thursday, November 27, 2008

CEC Day 2 & 3

Lessons for the K2s at music hall!

Woo time really flies, tomorrow's already the final day of CEC! Forgot to blog about day 2 yesterday, so will make up for it today ha. I think I have a really poor memory though, memories seem to slip my mind far too easily! So the section on day 2 will probably be rather sketchy... 

Warm Ribena for drinks at breakfast... 

Well, yesterday I was leading morning worship with Jacob, and it went pretty okay. As usual, I screwed up some moves haha, and they were rather apparent I think. Brought my camera yesterday, took some pictures. 

Ah, I'm horribly distracted by the 9pm nonya show on Channel 8 now haha, can't quite blog properly. Wah the show is so sad... and so... slow-moving. 

Hmm... what else do I remember about the second day... nothing else haha. 

Lunch being prepared!

Well fast forward to today, which I actually remember significantly more about haha. Well was pretty shagged this morning, and for most of the day because I was up from 4am - 6am watching Liverpool's Champions' Lg match against Marseille. Slept through most of it actually haha, did catch Gerrard's match-winning goal in the 23rd minute though - really well-placed header. 

So yeah, hmmm morning worship went fine I guess. First music lesson that we had was for the older kids, the Primary 4-6 children, also called the VBX group. Well following my failure to connect with the younger ones - the K1s-P1s - I was kinda allocated the P3s and VBX group... call it natural selection (?) haha. 

Main sanctuary... where worship is held for everyone!

It's really cool you know, because I can connect pretty well with the VBX group... they actually understand my retarded jokes at times. Really enjoyed myself teaching them... which is a surprise really, because initially I thought that it would be harder to control or stir up enthusiasm in the older kids for the spastic dances. I'm really quite a different person on stage haha... Auntie Poh Lian commented today after PM worship that she'd always thought I was a quiet and serious boy haha. And I am, of course, at times. 

Surprised myself also with my firmness haha. I thought the P3s were really hard to handle, but I totally became a pri school teacher haha, and I commanded them to sit cross-legged, face the front, keep quiet, not turn back yadah yadah yadah. Jacob thought I resembled a certain school principal in a school he's relief-taught at -... my mum haha. 

Was really rather tired today, so I spent most of the breaks in between the music lessons sprawled across the stage sleeping haha. Quite shiok, I had Old Chang Kee serviettes for a pillow and a discarded coconut tree trunk deco (mahjong paper rolled about crushed newspaper) for a bolster. Bliss, because I actually slept and slept well while the rest of the music people were what, wasting time learning how to fight. Ha seriously, they were learning all kinds of fighting manouveurs from Jacob which was quite odd. Then in the afternoon they started doing weird physically-challenging stuff like cartwheels and handstands... things that I'd rather not attempt because 1) They are beyond my physical ability... for now... and 2) I don't wanna get injured in a stupid way haha... spraining your back doing a headstand... no thanks! 

Pictures of last year's CEC 

It's quite cool to be able to have such control over your body though. Shucks... gotta train for NAPFA next year soon. Hmm what else happened... oh yeah it was really embarrassing today because this girl came up to me and she was like "Hey I recognise you... you're the one who always makes mistakes on stage..." 

And I was like "Hahaha (sheepish laughter). Eh go join back your class go."

Ha no la I didn't ask her to join back her class... I think I just laughed sheepishly. Oh well yes I'm really still quite bad at the dances... only really comfortable with the theme song heh. So I made an extra effort to make sure I led dance well during PM worship today in front of like 200+ kids and their helpers, practised the songs during the times when Camellia, Yvonne, Yeo Min, Jacob or Mandino took the music lessons. 

Heh as usual I screwed up some parts in the end, but well it doesn't really matter it's not like I'll be punished or anything. Was heart-warming to see the children singing and praising loudly though. Oh yeah it was literally warm as well each time I went up, not just because of the spotlights but also because of our hawaiian getup haha. As in we have this zookeeper-looking shirt that we have to wear complete with a pattern containing toucans and leaves on it haha... quite hilarious but also hot because its 2 layers. And also a garland of fake cloth flowers haha. So me being easily-heated-up me, would be perspiring at the end of each worship session. 

Ah, so it's been really great so far, CEC, too bad tomorrow's the last day already! A long day too, since the children have to perform the dances we teach them for their parents to see... heh hope to see the fruits of the music team's labour! 


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