(comment are on top of pics, just to let u noe)
Here is Ong Jun Wei's kindergarten picture...

Here is Jun Wei now...

Yes, there's quite a lot of difference actually. People change you see, or metamorphosize...
Ok actually that wasn't Jun Wei's kindergarten photo, it's some random P4 Cat High Primary kid, who really really resembles him - poor guy. The second picture is really him - poor cockroaches.
Ok, on to the next picture!

This was Benjamin last year, the year he got corrupted. Once again, he looks abused.

Benjamin is very cute la...
Ok, next up are pictures that show how clean our canteen is. How damn clean.

Ok, this was a short strand of thick curly hair found in someone's plate this year. Was it Henry? Can't really remember... but it's gross. Maybe it came from the beef. Maybe the cow was hairy.

Edwin finds himself stuck behind a mysterious glass panel when he trails an ant... his hysterical screams alerted us... after much persuasion, Edwin remained calm, although his pants were wet. Edwin's life dangled on a string. Could this be the end to his purposeless life? Henry says "No!" and proceeds to try and smash the glass with his bare fists. It is to no avail however, as the glass is damn hard. Edwin tries to the best of his intelligence to understand all that is around him... it is all very confusing to him...

Edwin is now hyperventilating and is having a mild bout of fits. However, he passes the time by continuously crashing into the glass panel, and wonders why it hurts. Rescue operations are underway. Tze Heng has already sacrificed himself for this highly dangerous rescue, while Jasper follows him. Nic Kang, in the meantime... tries to climb up a escalator that is going down. Henry is trying his best to keep Edwin calm by singing his favourite luallabies.

Tze Heng finally gets to Edwin, but the two are in a precarious position. Edwin's retarded stomping on the floor has taken its toll, and it would collapse any time, sending both of them to their deaths.

Edwin is ignorant of this, and continues figuring out how to switch on his handphone. Tze Heng however, is aware of the deep shit they are in. The floor would not hold both their weight much longer. We all glance at each other understandingly. The one with the dimmer future has to go. Tze Heng picks up an ant and throws it down. Edwin follows it to try and save it. The ant lands unscathed.
Your spasticitivity will stay long in our memories, Edwin.

This is Nic taking a picture of me taking a pictue of him taking a picture of me.

Ok, let's now see how my EOY revision has been coming along...
I've realised today that tether (however you spell it) looks like the body of some sick insect.

alrighty! that's about it... i would be posting another pictorial soon... bye bye!