Wednesday, April 30, 2008


Greetings beings. I'm not feeling very sound now and I suspect it has to do with a looming Math test on the Fifth Day of the Seventh Week of the Second Term of my 13th Schooling Year (i.e this Friday). So well, while my friends at school have been busying themselves with council, CCAs, yodayodayoda, I've been amusing myself for the last 2 hours with Jason Mraz's (Mer-res-zes. Sounds like a disease doesn't it.) "I'm Yours". It's really quite a brilliant song you know, I might actually have liked it if all the other people around me did not. But well, I don't really fancy singing it, because well, it's not easy to sing. I suppose that's why Mr Mraz's the only one making lots of money from such a song, besides the fact that he probably wrote it, composed it and well, sang it. Sorry I'm not making much sense. I haven't got much logic in my head you see, and that's resulted in me kollecting a string of D's in GP and whatnot. But it's alright, because D is for Derek, and D is for DemandTV.

Today the 987FM school invasion tour came to RJC!!!!!!!!!!!!! whooooooooooooo!!!!

I left early for frisbee. I'm sorry all who dig lousy music, but the music didn't quite suit my tastes. So thanks for the incessant pounding of my ear drums, The Firefight and West Grand Boulevard, that left them feeling like a gang-rape victim (I'm sorry for the graphic description, but my ears were totally $%^&*-ed). And yeah, Vernon A and Justin Ang try pretty hard to be cool, but where Bleeker succeeds they well, fail, as they don't come across as particularly cool to me. Yes, they are funny and fat and all, but well, I don't know, I'm just being rather abusive today.

So yeah, did i mention I had frisbee today? The weather was horribly hot and I made like, 10 new friends.

And yeah, to end off this post on a good note:


Tuesday, April 29, 2008

You know,

it wasn't too long ago when I was laughing at this Facebook group - "Life damn tough, I'm foaming"- comprising of unfortunate A level students of the '08 batch (like Sean Ong) and J1's who obviously were applying too much unnecessary pressure on themselves early in the year.

I forsee myself clicking the "Join Group" button in say, Term 3?

On another note, sometimes trying and failing may be better than not trying at all. It's taken me till now to realise! And well, the experiences, they're gone.

And on another-ther note, I really miss my childhood (yes, I did have one). Was in a Toys 'R Us outlet recently- felt strangely comfortable there.

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a Toys 'R Us kid!"
Only this time this part of the song actually seizes me, been my top song of the week manzzz.

Monday, April 28, 2008


You know, up to now, all I know of Economics is:

this one go up, this one go down that one go up that one go down, this curve shift left/right point of curve shift up/down, yodayodayoda (think little green creature. i don't know, i want something more interesting than yadayadayada!)

will try to change tonight haha, or at least before this wednesday's econs test!

you're the fats to my kongbak!

you're the kernel to my cob
you're the battery to my laptop
you're the nail to my finger
you're the strap to my bag
you're the buttons to my shirt

this is fun!!!!!!! people pls tag with more of this! coolz!

( you know, this actually de-romanticizes everything... but oh well, not like it was meant to be romantic anyway!)

Sunday, April 27, 2008

You are the cheese to my macoroni!

as well as the oreo to my mcflurry
and the pearls to my bubbletea
and the lemons to my lemontree

Thursday, April 24, 2008

the w800i...

probably the best phone in the world... still!

my Singtel contract just expired after 21 months... I have an option to get a new handset, and Singtel's offering hot deals apparently to get me to renew my contract with them. Strange isn't it, each time I visit the Singtel outlet they always have their LAST DAY promotions, or super-worth-it promotions. Either I'm pretty lucky or these sales occur all the time! You know, sometimes it reminds me of the "Congratulations, you're our one millionth visitor" banners I see on websites.

oh well, getting the w800i's probably one of the better decisions I'll ever make in life. It's just awesome, can you believe it - something I'm actually happy and content with after like what, 21 months? oh my gosh, it's totally brilliant, I'm so proud of my phone I could trade it for a child or something.

I'm thinking of more superlatives to describe my w800i... but it's just... beyond words. MY GOODNESS.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

I'm feeling pretty stupid now,

because I'm coming up with flawed arguments that contradict and are loop-holed!

man, GP is tough!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

To grapple

To contend with normality!

Today, I

appreciate the fact that my class has genuine people and are not poseurs.

yay, something to brighten my day as I figure out Economics.

and THE semi-final is on tonight/tmr morning. 3am! yay!

Sunday, April 20, 2008

uh in case you're wondering

yes, the ahhh's i type in my posts actually refer to sighs.
no, i'm not as angsty as I appear to be in my last few posts.

school's becoming something i dun really look forward to now!

but i guess i'm happy, because i have a happy life and i don't have anything worth being sad about!

thrills and spills

ahhh, frills.

lol sorry. i find these sorta post pretty irritating actually.


You should get what I mean, hahaha.
You should get what I mean, boohoohoo.
You should get what I mean, GRAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!
You should get what I mean, LOL!
You should get what I mean, SOBSOBSOB!
You should get what I mean, #$%^&*(!

I had a mood swing today! And I'm afraid someone did push me!

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Familiarity breeds contempt

oh so true.

Derek the Half a Beetle

So whilst Macbeth regarded sleep as something that soothed the soul and something that he longed very much for as a result of his inability to fall into slumber following the murder of Duncan (that was such a clumsy sentence! haha), sleep is something that plagues me and eats away chunks of my experiences I am meant to relish. I am not undermining here the pleasure and security that comes along with a restful shut-eye; rather, I am bemoaning the fact that it consumes me each time I succumb (sometimes knowingly, other times unwittingly) to [insert name of random sleep god/goddess/monster here].

It's not that I'm dozing off because of a lack of sleep! I do get an amount of sleep that the general student population survives on- probably more, since I hardly stay up till midnight nor have extremely tiring co-curricular activities. And I find that this constant nodding off during lessons is something that will inhibit and retard my learning experience catching up. Even fell asleep during a speech made by the GOH at Gavel Summit this morning when I was right in front and in full view of him. If he had caught sight of me (he probably did), it couldn't have pleased him, for sure. I wouldn't be pleased if I were him too!

It's funny you know, I'm all shagged and listless in the afternoons after school (today it was after Gavel Summit, even though I did nothing more than sit and eat), and I realize that the best way to overcome this fatigue is to partake in something that I would have otherwise understood to cause tiredness itself- exercise. It's funny how after a good swim, I feel more refreshed and alert than I would have felt after a long nap. Strange, but true. So yeah, just a random realization.

This probably is the way certain things in life work - where we can only get through problems by confronting them! (will think of a better phrasing in time)

And I am discovering more perspectives on life and the way the world functions as I well, live life (the whole live and learn train of thought). I've been contemplating these days what separates the good from the great, the ordinary from the extraordinary, the manure from the Liverpools. I am seeking answers, and I'm pretty sure I've found one of them. And that is the courage to step up and come to the fore; to speak up and put your views on the firing line; to be fired at and not flinch but learn. It's all an experience that would put a person in good stead and what real leaders possess.

I'm quite keen to admit that I will be the last to speak up- my eyes will dart around the room looking for someone to speak up so that the chance bypasses me. I know this shirking and crouching wouldn't put me in any leverage, but I am afraid and conscious- of the pairs of eyes that would focus on me and the ears that would scan through each word I mutter. But I know things are only as bad as I imagine them to be!

It may be too late now, since I haven't grasped the opportunities that have passed by me thus far. Yes, there will be more chances, but more is less each time an opportunity whizzes by. I considered joining ODAC, never did. I considered running for council having been nominated, given it up. It never crossed my mind to run for excos of my 2 ccas - Ultimate Frisbee and Gavel, now regretting it.

So yeah. But I think God has plans for me, for I somehow got to become towkay of my OG and CT rep of my class (precisely because I had stayed indifferent whilst hands went up for subjects representatives in class).

Hmm, for now I'd go back to the mundane, out of the musing, into Othello.

Friday, April 18, 2008

18th April, 2008

Woah, it's already mid-April '08! Soon I'd be sitting for my 'A' levels. Did a post like this when I was in Secondary Three too haha, esp when a certain Tan Ping Hock kept stressing on how fast time flew past every other Physics lesson.

So yeah, been sleeping/slacking/eating through this year thus far. Haven't had any motivation to do any proper work for months, since the end of the O's haha. It's strange how much sleep I require to function. Not too sure how much sleep I need, too much slumber doesn't necessarily help things too. Well just had a good swim, having come back from school early. Funny thing is that I feel refreshed after the swim. Ok this post you feel is very choppy and disjointed, I feel it too! I'm not in a particularly writing kinda mood you see.

But just dropped by to gush about how beautiful some people are on the inside. Used to snigger at Jesse McCartney's "Beautiful Soul", but I realise now that a life where God's love shines through really impacts the people around and touches them. I want to be someone like that, but I have to sort out myself first before reaching out to others.

Okay, I'm feeling a tad very motivated now, will do work!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

to pangseh unintentionally

An excerpt from my super exciting life:

So on Monday I decided to spend /waste t
he day at the iMedia studio back at Catholic high with henry and john, alumni of the iMedia. (Alumni, by the way, reminds me of the way someone once pronunced the Arsenal keeper's name - Almunia)

So t
his is what happens at Bishan MRT on the way back from my alma mater.

hear an incoming train approaching after passing through the gates, and I half-walk/half-scamper down the escalator, sensing a train approaching, leaving henry slightly behind.

And t
his is what I say to him
"eh, my train come already, i zao first."

henry replies
"i'm talking t
he same side as you la."

(its no surprise i forget actually, for t
his is like the nth time i'm taking the train with him, and n>5 i think.)

h okay. "

i didn't make it explicitly clear to
him that i had in mind to catch the train, i didn't go like "chiong ahh!!!!!!!"

so i just sped off and made it into t
he train. yay! and like half a second later the doors shut and in the midst of my elation i see a stranded henry right outside the door still at the platform.

help laughing, but also muttered a "sorry" that i was sure he didn't hear.

h. fascinating story. erm, clap.

Monday, April 14, 2008

a dedication

well, edwin, much as you're probably the worst friend one could ask for and the stingy-est, most inconsiderate, insensitive bugger around,

(pardon my self-inflicted bad hair)

sometimes i miss the stupidest moments we've shared and the abuse we heap on each other (it's quite easy on my part really).

and we're probably going to go on with life without annoying and seeing each other as often as we did in sec 3 and 4. and perhaps drift apart a little, make new friends and grow closer to them.

so yeah, i sure hope you'd remember this friend you've had...


hiak hiak hiak. (gotcha! i could've imagined the tear welling up in your eyes.)

10 Reasons why I am better than a dog

woo the arsenal just scored through adebayor with van der sar clutching at thin air haha. i'm defo rooting for arsenal, but i do think that the manure will get sth out of the game if not win it.

i'm quite happy with liverpool's 3-0 victory over blackburn, and they've strengthened their grip on 4th!

hahaha van der sar just saved from ferdinand. yes u read that right!

this post is pretty much for the sake of my dear friend edwin, who requests that i do a stupid post for nostalgia's sake. er no, nostalgia's not edwin's second name. and haha arsenal have conceded a penalty.

so, reasons why i am better than a dog:

i am better than a dog, for

1) i can blog
2) i can talk
3) i can boil water
4) i can open a pack of maggie me,
5) put it in the boiling water
6) and cook it.
7) i am able to bathe myself
8) i can laugh at lehmann's bald spot and tevez's... er tevez basically.
9) i can walk on my hind legs
10) i can come up with 10 reasons why i am better than a dog.

okay, so maybe this wouldn't go down particularly well with dog lovers. but well, there you go edwin, you dog.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

the lack of Sleep that brings out of the hiding the hyde in me... strikes again!

Ah! I could have sworn
The manner in which known irrationality torments
when acted upon!

Serving to swerve my affections are mixed signals
that seize but cease to please-
only my scorpioned mind it sears!

Could reading past insensitivity put to bed these

The soul it could put at ease and in peace,
and not torn nor somewhere forlorn!

Cherished and relished days of the keener sense-
no longer
Here and Heard

Were these moments a mere pretence,
borne of the ephemeral

and based upon fleeting passion not known whence-
altogether not real?

Perhaps I peer through a hormonal lense
and perceive a peak a dale.

For trifling a matter as this
- examined and examined- my life it would curtail

The buzz that grips me tip to toe whets but satiates not-
from you there is nary a word.

His word I sought not, wordly solutions which answered
but solved not,
stopped the rot it did not

Ah, averment without much thought
Bearing no fruit is this pointless musing
Stop now the clot
Out of the pensive- SLEEPING.

haha sry that was real stupid. pardon my horrible horrible wording (i dare not look upon it as poetry!!).

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Derek is worth $100 on Friends for Sale!

and that is pretty much how much i feel i'm worth at moments. sometimes its amazing how insensitivity on the part of others can make you feel just that little bit less important and un-treasured. not that this is a out loud cry for affection i'm attempting ( not a very useful disclaimer i find, in fact it serves a defeating purpose- that is to brand me as someone very much unloved and crying out for hugs and kisses. lol. ), but its nice to find that people care, all the time. a friend in need is a friend indeed, and that is something i've never really got around fathoming till like, secondary school. only that recent events have suddenly fished out this cliched phrase from within my head!

so yeah, had my 2.4km run today ( quote audrey: "a 2.4km run starts with a single step". hey even if i don't voice out very often i do listen! and keep in mind things worth remembering. ), and it was quite a terrible experience i had after the run. was okay with my timing though. scraped an a i think, thanks in part (not sure how large though) to qian wei who overtook me at the last bend and i tried to catch up with him haha. felt extremely nauseous post-run and had the urge to vomit. and i did, albeit after trying to in the toilet and failing. so yeah, my breakfast landed on one of the stadium steps, not saying which lest you associate any stench there with me someday hehe. thanks to all who inquired about my state- these things i remember.

alright now, off to attempt filling in my hist tables! good day to all and all the best for 5 stations tmr, 1a classmates.

Saturday, April 05, 2008


i don't know, but the word "elucidate" kept popping into my head the last couple of days. its definition is to "throw light upon", for the many of us who have no clue on what it means. so there, you've been elucidated.

and audrey kept mentioning the new pornographers earlier in the year, in her default animated tone haha. so i decided to check them out on youtube.

first song i checked out was Myriad harbour, so here it is. it sorta reminds me of fluorescent adolescent by the arctic monkeys, but the similarities may not be so apparent to the musically literate/inclined. so here's myriad harbour, i think it's pretty interesting and the new pornographers could be my kind of music. i'll listen to the rest of the songs.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

gnostic, drastic, plastic, fantastic, sea biscuit.

greetings beings. slacked away the entire day today for there was no school. today's the first of april- april fool's day. and when i realise that the past few posts of my blog are all emo and therefore super disgusting (i seriously cringe big time when i even see them taking residence on cornroll. really!), i'm feeling the first of april's really the kind of day for me, for i am a fool!

hmm hmmm. key words in my life for now will be focus and discipline (or at least when it's 1 wk before the CTs, hehe). haven't gotten anything done for a while now, omigosh. well, i did swim today haha. but oh no, my studies are currently in deep ____.

to-do list:
1) Math assignment
2) PI
3) GP test prep

well it's not that long a list yet, but it will defo accumulate. looking forward to going into panic mode for that will be when i'll get some work done. for now, i'll languish in lackadaisicalness hehe. but my mum says something forms into a habit if you keep at it for 21 days. well, it's been 150 days and counting i've been a pig. oh no.

it's funny how the expression "oh no" came about if you think about it. "oh" is an exclamation you make upon the realisation of something. like say, you realise that derek is really not as cool as he seems, and you go "oh". or you can go "oh" like when you find out something you've never known, like say when you find out that derek is actually really quite cool. yeah and then again you can say "oh" when you pretend to note something that someone is saying but you are actually getting quite bored with the person? (oh oh, seems that i'd better not go "oh" on people in my msn convos anymore). and that just about reminds me of the use of "oh oh", when someone (probably someone more inclined towards feigning cuteness) realises that he/she has shit himself/herself. it's usually coupled with an outstretched hand over a gaping mouth to complete the kawaii image. (i'm trying to picture a mental image of a friend doing this, but i realise i do not have any cute friends. OH, oops. but then again, i hardly have any friends!) oh yes, the hand-over-the-mouth action usually doesn't occur when say, someone has pooped on the wrong side of the toiletbowl, because it isn't a very hygenic thing to do. and yes again, a disclaimer: a normal someone. but then again (this is my favourite phrase really), no one goes "oh oh" in the cubicle because there's no one around to whom you can portray a cute image to. it would be really wrong if someone were in the same cubicle while you shat/shitted. but then again, sometimes you do go "oh" in the toilet when you have had a strong urge to poop prior to chionging into the cubicle and setting the toilet seat down (an optional step for some), for there is a tremendous mind-numbing relief/pleasure when you do poop. but then again, some people do go "oh" in the cubicle in/at the height/throes of passion. yech.

so now i'll go do some thinking on "ouch".